Pan, "who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved."

Phaeton, "who rode upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbolt."

Niobe, "who, lamenting the death of her fourteen children, was turned into a mountain."

Bacchus, "at whose feasts is heard the noise of gaggling women's tattling tongues and shouting out of boys."

Narcissus, "who fell in love with his own image and became a flower."

Arethusa, "who, flying from the love of Alpheus the river god, was turned into a fountain."
Six Metamorphoses After Ovid for Solo Oboe (Britten)
monotype, drypoint, chine collé with thread
8" x 6". 2019
$90 each

Chine collé and stitching hold drypoint and monotype layers together

Drypoint process, sheet music engraved into acrylic, then printed

Monotype process, using an old oboe reed to make marks in ink

Detail of Bacchus

Detail of Arethusa